Footnotes and Witness

201 Biblical Narrative- Characters

Deborah J McKenzie Season 2 Episode 2

Biblical Literature-Narrative How do I know if I'm reading literature? 

  • 1. Is a story being told about a particular character (s)?
  • 2. Is there a description of a time or place?
  • 3. Is there dialouge?
  • 4. Has the events in the story already taken place?

Looking at characters: 

  • make a list
  • list attributes and or decisions made by each character 
  • look up the name and record the definition (blue letter bible. com : interlinear) 
  • make note of any description (there usually won't be a physical description)
  • observe their responses and reactions
  • observe God's responses to them

After looking at the characters and noting your observations, ask: 
What have I learned about God's character? Where do I see Jesus? 

Scripture References from today: 

Matthew 1 & 2 / Luke 142 

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 My character sheets: