Footnotes and Witness
Have you ever wondered if you are good enough to read the Bible? Does it feel like you aren't qualified? I grew up in church so I thought I knew how to read it; I didn't! With a few footnotes, I want to share the resources and tips that opened the Bible for me. The word finally started to feel like that "living" word I always hear about. If you follow Christ, you have the Holy Spirit and that means you are qualified to read God's word. If you want to be, this is a great place to dip your toes in the water and see what this whole Jesus thing is all about. I believe that when you read about God's true character, from His own words, you won't be able to stop telling people about how your life is saved and changed. Jesus wants us to tell our story because it is HIS story. See Jesus rightly in the Bible, and see Him in your story.
Footnotes and Witness
611- Study Methods and Resources
Study Methods and Resources Season 6 Finale
Show resources:
- Biblical literature- season 2
- Bible Study Methods Intro- season 2 episode 10
Bible Reading Methods:
- SOAP: scripture - observation - application - prayer
- REAP: read - examine - apply - pray
- TEXT: talk to God - encounter God - examine your own heart - thank God
Each method is an acronym to help you be intentional in your reading time. They all follow the same basic structure. Go to the text without trying to read into it. Just read it for what it is without preconceived notions. See what is there. Talk to God (prayer) about what is going on, good or bad. Try to keep in mind a couple questions whenever you read scripture:
- What does this tell me about God?
- Where is Jesus in this?
- How is the Holy Spirit at work here?
Bible Translations Chart (infographic)
Biblical Language Resources
Definitions of study terms:
- interlinear: inter (between) linear (lines) translation shown line by line next to the original language/text
- concordance: alphabetical list of words that are present in a given text
- cross references: record of links between scriptures including concepts, locations, phrases, or quotes
- commentary: an expression of opinions or explanatory notes on a text
Interlinear is a type of translation that is a word by word, literal translation shown line by line. Concordance is more like a dictionary, recording each word used and every location used. Cross references connect scriptures across the whole bible. Commentaries are people's opinions (hopefully well researched and thought out) on a text.
next season: Book of Mark
Illuminated Scripture Journal:
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