Footnotes and Witness
Have you ever wondered if you are good enough to read the Bible? Does it feel like you aren't qualified? I grew up in church so I thought I knew how to read it; I didn't! With a few footnotes, I want to share the resources and tips that opened the Bible for me. The word finally started to feel like that "living" word I always hear about. If you follow Christ, you have the Holy Spirit and that means you are qualified to read God's word. If you want to be, this is a great place to dip your toes in the water and see what this whole Jesus thing is all about. I believe that when you read about God's true character, from His own words, you won't be able to stop telling people about how your life is saved and changed. Jesus wants us to tell our story because it is HIS story. See Jesus rightly in the Bible, and see Him in your story.
Footnotes and Witness
201 Biblical Narrative- Characters
Biblical Literature-Narrative How do I know if I'm reading literature?
- 1. Is a story being told about a particular character (s)?
- 2. Is there a description of a time or place?
- 3. Is there dialouge?
- 4. Has the events in the story already taken place?
Looking at characters:
- make a list
- list attributes and or decisions made by each character
- look up the name and record the definition (blue letter bible. com : interlinear)
- make note of any description (there usually won't be a physical description)
- observe their responses and reactions
- observe God's responses to them
After looking at the characters and noting your observations, ask:
What have I learned about God's character? Where do I see Jesus?
Scripture References from today:
Matthew 1 & 2 / Luke 142
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My character sheets: