Footnotes and Witness

601 Prayer

February 10, 2024 Deborah J McKenzie Season 6 Episode 1

Welcome to Season 6! I am going to highlight some big words from church faith traditions. Some are literally big words and some are big in meaning or value. Have you ever felt like everyone else understands what is being talked about and you don't? Have you wanted to ask questions but felt like you should already know the answer? I think a lot of us have sat in a sermon or bible study and felt this way. I want to highlight some of these words and concepts that are used a lot and rarely actually defined or explained. Episode 1-Prayer
What is prayer? What is the purpose and function? There are so many different faith traditions and practices of prayer. What does that tell us that such a fundamental part of our faith can be so widely interpreted?

A Praying Life by Paul E Miller
How to Pray CS Lewis

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