Footnotes and Witness

609 Saved

Season 6 Episode 9

Big Word Series: saved
This word is used a lot in Christian culture. Do we really know what it means to be saved though? How does this apply today? What are we actually being saved FROM?

Scriptures and Resources
First occurrence: genesis 19
Deuteronomy 33:29 saved as a people group
2 Kings 14:27 God saves a remnant 
Psalm 18:3 / 80:3
Matthew 19: rich young ruler
Luke 7:36-50 woman saved by her faith
John 3:16-17 God saves the world 
Day of the Lord: 

John 5:24
Romans 5 (print it out and highlight every time the words “life” and “death” are used)
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

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