Footnotes and Witness

701 Mark and Miracles

Season 7 Episode 1

Welcome to season 7 of Footnotes and Witness. We will be going through the entire book of Mark this season chapter by chapter. This week I want to share some information about how to read this gospel well. 

Mark is one of 4 gospel accounts of the life, arrest, torture, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each gospel has a particular focus in its writing. Gospels are narratives but the authors give us the stories in different ways. Mark is a fast paced story full of the miracles and works of the servant of God, Jesus the Christ. 

The miracles can fall into a few categories and we should take note of that. 

  1. authority over nature
  2. authority over health/disease (even to the point of death)
  3. authority over spirituality (exorcisms)

How do we read miracles in today's context? How can we relate or understand the miracles? What place do they have in our journey to know Jesus more rightly? 

As we continue this season, here are some things to set you up for success:

  • invite a friend to listen and discuss each week. Inviting someone to church can be intimidating or maybe you don't have a traditional church anyway. You can listen on a catcher or download the mp3 from my website. Listen together or separately then discuss! Easiest bible study there is and you might build some community from it
  • take note of the miracles listed
    • how do the witnesses respond
    • who is involved
    • what are the ramifications 
    • what category does it fall under 
  • ask every week: what does this show me about the character of God the Father and Jesus the Son?

illuminated scripture journal:
(you can get it on amazon as well)
my website: