Footnotes and Witness

603 Angels

February 22, 2024 Season 6 Episode 3

What do you think of when you hear the word angell? Is it a chubby baby with a bow and arrow on Valentine's Day? Maybe the Christmas angel coming to spread good news and cheer?  What does the Bible actually say about angels? It is probably not what you might picture...

To use a word study to research a particular word or phrase:
bible gateway :
bible hub:
blue letter bible:

Use the search bar. Your results can differ depending on the translation so searching in King James Version might be a good place to start. For my own study, I usually use the ESV version or CSB. The list will be every scripture that uses that word. These are links to the search for "angel"

Named Angels:
Gabriel: Daniel chapters 8 & 9 and Luke chapter 1
Michael: Jude chapter 1 and Revelation chapter 12

 of angels:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:39-40 (heavenly bodies)
  • do they eat? Genesis 18:8 and Psalm 78:25
  • do they fly? Psalm 18:10, Daniel 9:2, Revelation 14:6
  • cherubim: Exodus 25, Ezekiel 10
  • seraphim: Numbers 21, Isaiah 6:2,6 14:29, 30:6
  • angels place vs place of people: Hebrews 1 
  • angel of the Lord: 
  1. Hagar- Genesis 16:6-13
  2. Stops sacrifice of Isaac- Genesis 22:10-18
  3. Burning bush- Exodus 3:1-5
  4. Gideon- Judges 6:11-23

Dragons in the Bible?


  • apocrypha- related biblical writings that are not included in modern biblical canon
  • biblical canon- accepted books in modern evangelical bibles
  • heresy- idea or belief in contradiction 

How To Read Biblical Narrative can be found in Footnotes and Witness season 2 (episodes 201, 202, 203)

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